Saturday 19 November 2011

An alphabetical list of everything ...

Ignore the date above, I update this one post each time I add a video.

A few people have kindly asked if they can donate towards my work ... and now you can, using paypal! No pressure ... many thanks!

By composer
   Lord, for Thy tender mercy's sake
Albrecht, Sally K.
Attwood, Thomas
   Come, Holy Ghost
Bach, J.S.
   Jesu, joy of man's desiring
        Magnificat (slower practice version
        Omnes generationes 
        Fecit potentiam
        Sicut locutus est
   O little one sweet
   O Lord, who dares to smite thee
   The duteous day now closes 
   Zion hears the watchmen's voices (Chorale)
Bairstow, Edward
   I sat down (upper) (lower)
Beatles, The
Beer, Stuart
   The Call
   Choral Fantasy 
   Symphony No. 9
      Part 1 - from the first bass entry to the long F major pause 
      Part 2 - all the 6/8 section up to the Andante maestoso 
      Part 3 - andante maestoso section 
      Part 4 - adagio ma non troppo, ma divoto section up to the weird chord 
      Part 5 - allegro energico, sempre ben marcato section 
      Part 6 - Allegro ma non tanto, then Poco Adagio and Tempo I 
      Part 7 - Prestissimo to the end
Bell, John
   God comes tomorrow
   Let all mortal flesh keep silence
   The peace of the earth be with you
   This is the body of Christ
   The shepherds' farewell
Bossi, Marco Enrico
   Cantate Domino
   German Requiem
        I. Selig sind, die da Leid tragen
   How lovely is Thy dwelling place
   Shicksalslied (part 1) (part 2)
Brown, Disraeli
   When Mary came to the temple
   Locus iste - tenor
Byrd, William
   Ave verum corpus (bass) (tenor) 
   Lullaby, my sweet little baby 
   Sacerdotes Domini
Caldara, Antonio
Davies, Elaine
   My Spirit will come
Di Lasso, Orlando
Edwards, Paul
   Ave verum - tenor
   O Salutaris Hostia
Farrant, Richard
   Hide not thou thy face
   Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Fauré, Gabriel
   Cantique de Jean Racine
   Requiem: (lower basses) (upper basses)
        Introit - Kyrie: (lower basses) (upper basses)
        Offertorium: (lower basses) (upper basses)
        Sanctus: (lower basses) (upper basses)
        Agnus Dei: (lower basses) (upper basses)
        Libera me: (lower basses) (upper basses)
        In paradisum: (lower basses) (upper basses)
Fellingham, Nathan - arranged by Me
   And can it be
Filitz, Friedrich
   Lord, have mercy
Finzi, Gerald
Gibbons, Orlando
   Drop, drop, slow tears
Gjeilo, Ola
Goodall, Howard
   The Lord is my shepherd
Greene, Buddy
   Mary, did you know?
Hagenberg, Elaine
Hass, arr. Hayes
   Glory to God from Joshua
   Lord, I trust thee
   Messiah Choruses -
     Part I
        4. And the glory of the Lord
        7. And he shall purify
        9. O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
        12. For unto us a child is born
        17. Glory to God
        21. His yoke is easy
     Part II
        22. Behold the lamb of God
        24. Surely he has borne our griefs
        25. And with his stripes we are healed
        26. All we like sheep have gone astray
        28. He trusted in God
        33. Lift up your heads, O ye gates
        35. Let all the angels of God worship him
        37. The Lord gave the word
        39. Their sound is gone out
        41. Let us break their bonds asunder
        44. Hallelujah Chorus
     Part III
        46. Since by man came death
        51. But thanks be to God
        53. Worthy is the Lamb
   The many rend the skies
Johnson, Victor C.
   Run, Shepherds!
Joubert, John 
Larson, Lloyd
   Song of the shepherds
Lauridsen, Morten
   O magnum mysterium - upper bass
   O magnum mysterium - lower bass
Lees, Joseph
   The Lord's Prayer
L'Estrange, Joanna Forbes
   Saint Richard's Prayer
Malotte, A.H. 
   The Lord's Prayer
   I waited for the Lord 
   Jauchaet dem Herrn, alle Welt - upper voices
   Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt - lower voices 
   Verleih uns Frieden
   Ave verum bass part - Ave verum tenor part - Ave verum alto part - Ave verum soprano part
   Coronation Mass (K317) -
        Agnus Dei
   Jubilate Deo
   Laudate Dominum 
   Mass in C minor
        Qui tollis: (choir 1) (choir 2) 
        Jesu Christe 
        Et resurrexit 
        Et in Spiritum sanctum 
        Credo in unam sanctam 
        Et vitam venturi saeculi
   Requiem (K626) -
        Requiem aeternam
        Dies irae
        Rex tremendae
        Domine Jesu
        Agnus Dei
        Lux Aeterna 
   Sancta Maria (K273)
Nardone, Peter
   I give to you a new commandment
Ord, Boris
   Adam lay ybounden
   Sicut Cervus 
   Sitivit Anima
Parry, Hubert
   I was glad - upper voices/first choir
   I was glad - lower voices/second choir
Pearsall, Robert Lucas
   Lay a garland - 1st bass 
   Lay a garland - 2nd bass
Pettman, Edgar
   I saw a maiden
   The Angel Gabriel from Heaven came 
   The infant king
Pitoni, Giuseppe Ottavio
   Cantate Domino
Poston, Elizabeth
   Jesus Christ the apple tree
Purcell, Henry
   Rejoice in the Lord alway
   Thou knowest, Lord
Rheinberger, Josef
Rizza, Margaret
   Calm me, Lord 
   Come to me
   In the Lord is my joy 
   O Lord, my heart is not proud
   Silent, surrendered 
   You are the centre
Roberton, Hugh S.
   All in the April evening: (lower basses) (upper basses)
Rutter, John
   A flower remembered
   A Gaelic Blessing (lower basses) (upper basses)
   What sweeter music
Saint-Saëns, Camille
   Tollite Hostias
Salazar, George
Schubert, Franz
   Holy, Holy, Holy
   Mass in G (no. 2)
        Agnus Dei
Schumann, Robert
   Mass op. 147
Sibelius, Jean
   Finlandia, arr. Giles Chaundy (upper basses) (lower basses)
Stainer, John
        The agony
        Processional to Calvary
        God so loved the world
        Jesus said: 'Father, forgive them'
        And one of the malefactors
        The appeal of the crucified
        After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished
   Hail, gladdening light
   How beautiful upon the mountains
Stanford, Charles Villiers
   Jubilate in B flat 
   Magnificat in B flat 
   Nunc Dimittis is B flat 
   Magnificat in C 
   Nunc Dimittis in C 
   Magnificat in G 
   Nunc Dimittis in G
Sumsion, Herbert
   Magnificat in A 
   Nunc Dimittis in A
   Discomfort them, O Lord
   Remember not, O Lord God
Taverner, John
Terry, R. R.
   Myn lyking
Thorne, David
   Mass of St. Thomas
Vaughan Williams, Ralph
   All people that on earth do dwell - tenor
   Five English Folk Songs - Lower basses Upper basses
       The Dark Eyed Sailor - Lower Upper
       The Spring Time of the Year - Lower Upper
       Just as the Tide was Flowing - Bass
       The Lover's Ghost - Bass
       Wassail Song - Lower Upper
   O taste and See
Victoria, Tomas Luis de
   O magnum mysterium
   O vos omnes - bass I 
   O vos omnes - bass II
Vivaldi, Antonio
   Credo (RV 591)
        Et incarnatus est 
        Et Resurrexit         
   Gloria (RV 589)
        Gloria in excelsis Deo - Tenor part
        Et in terra pax hominibus
        Gratias agimus tibi, propter magnam gloriam
        Domine Fili unigenite
        Domine Deus, Agnus Dei
        Qui tollis peccata mundi
        Quoniam tu solus sanctus
        Cum Sancto Spiritu
Walford Davies, Henry
   God be in my head
Warlock, Peter
   Bethlehem Down
Wesley, Samuel Sebastien
   Blessed be the God and Father
   Lead me, Lord
   O Lord, my God 
Whitace, Eric
Wilberg, Mack (arr.) 
   Joy to the World - lower basses 
   Joy to the World - upper basses

Abide with me (Eventide) 
A brighter dawn is breaking (Nun lasst uns Gott) 
A great and mighty wonder (Es ist ein' ros' entsprungen)
All creatures of our God and King (Lasst uns erfreuen)
Alleluia, alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise (Lux Eoi)
Alleluia, sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol)
All for Jesus! (All for Jesus)
All glory, laud and honour (St Theodulph)
All hail the power of Jesus' name (Diadem)
All hail the power of Jesus' name (Miles lane)
All people that on earth do dwell (Old hundredth) Vaughan Williams version 
All things bright and beautiful (All things bright and beautiful)
A mighty fortress (Ein Feste Burg)
And can it be (Sagina)
And now, O Father, mindful of the love (Unde et memores)
Angel-voices ever singing (Angel voices)
How good is the God we adore (Tenor)
How great thou art (How great thou art)
I bind unto myself today (St Patrick's Breastplate) 
I heard an old, old story
I heard the voice of Jesus say (Kingsfold)
I know that my redeemer lives (Christ triumphant)
Immortal, invisible, God only wise (St Denio)
Immortal love, for ever full (Bishopthorpe) 
In full and glad surrender (St Alphege)
In heavenly love abiding (Penlan) 
It is a thing most wonderful (Herongate) 
It is well with my soul
Jerusalem the golden (Ewing) 
Jesu, lover of my soul (Aberystwyth)
Jesus Christ is risen today (Easter hymn)
Jesus Christ is waiting (Noel Nouvelet) 
Jesus, keep me near the cross (Near the cross) 
Jesus shall reign (Duke street)
Jesus shall reign (Galilee) 
Jesus shall reign (Truro)
Jesus, the name high over all (Lydia) 
Jesus, where'er thy people meet (Wareham)
Just as I am, without one plea (Misericordia)
Just as I am, without one plea (Saffron Walden)
King of glory, King of peace (Gwalchmai)
Good Christian men, rejoice
Good King Wenceslas (Tempus Adest Floridum)
Hark, the glad sound (Bristol)
Hark! the herald angels sing (Mendelssohn) Tenor
Infant holy, Infant lowly (trad.)
In the bleak midwinter (Cranham) Tenor
O for a heart to praise my God (Stockton)
O little one sweet (trad.)
O little town of Bethlehem (Forest Green) Tenor
Once, as I remember (trad.)
Once in royal David's city (Irby) Tenor
Past three a clock (London waits) 
Rejoice and be merry (a gallery carol) 
Run, Shepherds! (Johnson)
Sans Day Carol (Rutter)
See, amid the winter's snow (Humility)
Silent night (Stille nacht) tenor
Sussex carol (Willcocks)
The Angel Gabriel from Heaven came (Pettman)
The first Nowell (The first Nowell)
The holly and the ivy (trad.) 
The infant king (Pettman) 
The Wild Wood Carol (Rutter)
This is the truth sent from above (trad.)
The shepherds' farewell (Berlioz) 
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (arr. Willcocks)
We wish you a merry Christmas (trad.)
We three kings (Kings of Orient) 
Whence is that goodly fragrance flowing? (arr. Willcocks)
While shepherds watched (Winchester Old) 
Zion hears the watchmen's voices (Chorale)